Friday, December 11, 2009

Update on L*ily

L*ily and I have had a busy week of appointments this week. We visited the audiologist bright and early Monday morning (8am is early to be out with a newborn!). This was to check her ears because she failed her hearing screen in her left ear in the hospital. She did not pass again on Monday, but they are calling it inconclusive both because she was congested and because she has tiny ear canals. They will retest her in a month when she is a little bigger and will do a more extensive test called an ABR at that time.

L*ily and I also visited the pediatrician Monday afternoon. L*ily weighed 7 lbs 3oz! This is a 1/2 pound more than 2 weeks ago, which is a good weight gain. This was exciting news for us and confirmed for us that L*ily is eating well and won't need to return to the hospital due to feeding issues. L*ily also showed off to the doctor her ability to lift her head when she is on her tummy - this is good for any baby but shows excellent muscle tone for a baby with Down's.

Tuesday we both took a much needed trip to the chiropractor. L*ily and I were both quite out of alignment after her birth. Some people have asked me why an infant would need an adjustment, but just think what their spine (and the rest of their little bodies!) go through during delivery. L*ily had some restriction on her left side and turned her head to the right quite a bit. Since Tues, she is turning better to the left and her congestion is also improving.

Yesterday, we had our first home visit with the Early Intervention program through our school district. We met with the coordinator, our new Birth to Three teacher, an Occupational Therapist and a Speech Therapist. We discussed where L*ily is at physically and developmentally now and will continue to meet with the teacher monthly or more as needed throughout the next few years to provide us additional information, support and practical tools to help L*ily work towards and achieve her developmental milestones. I am excited for this, especially as everything I have read so far tells me that early intervention is paramount to the rest of her life - which is really true of any child. I have heard from a few people that the St. Paul schools have an excellent program and we saw that yesterday. Well I saw it -L*ily slept through the whole thing!


  1. Oh, Jen, we are so very happy to see how well L is doing! Don't forget music therapy in that early intervention. It is a powerful tool. But I guess I'm a bit biased. We are looking forward to meeting her sometime soon. When we are done being sick, that is. Thanks for the update.

  2. Jen and Dave, Lilly is so beautiful, glad that she continues to do well :) Would love to meet her some time. Praying for all of you. Love, Hugs and Prayers. Thanks for your update.

  3. So glad that she is doing well!

  4. Thinking of you and would love to see a picture of your girls. Hope that you had a good Christmas and that you are all doing well. Love and hugs :)
